[ Previous Post ] “Next year we must remember to cater for five hundred!” Lucy confirmed that neighbours from local villages had indeed arrived at the farewell party this evening. The food was delicious: chicken, beef, rice, beans, vegetables. The day began with celebration, too, and an outbreak of thanksgiving. After a song from the new “Home of Hope Choir” under Debbie’s direction, in the morning devotional we looked at Philippians 4:4-8 (in St. Paul’s letter from prison, a passage encouraging abandonment of anxiety and adoption of prayer with thanksgiving). Many people came forward with expressions of thanks for the Home they have found here, including a young man about to go to university - amazed to be taking with him laptop, phone, suitcase - and mothers once in despair at how to raise children alone after separation from a spouse by death or divorce, then offered the wonderful work of caring for other children at the Home in addition to their own. Real. Deeply moving. Ruth and I...